What Are The Common Signs And Symptoms Of Gastrointestinal Disorders? | August 27th, 2018
Gastrointestinal disorders can be a pain and even pave way for more things to go wrong in our body. A healthy gut is the key to a healthy mind and that is why, we should consult a specialist, whenever we see any of the common signs and symptoms. But, how do you know what these common signs or symptoms are?
Well, this blog is dedicated to give you an idea about the most common discomforts that you are likely to face for any gastroenterology diseases. If any of them continues for an uncomfortable amount of time, then you should go see a doctor immediately!
1.Gas and bloating
Regular gas and bloating is common, and it happens to the best of us. In fact, it might be because of the cheeseburger that you had for lunch. However, if your gas and bloating symptom continues on a chronic basis and is released as pungent wind, then that is not a good sign.
You may be suffering from indigestion, constipation, or some other fungal or bacterial growth in your GI tract. If it carries on indefinitely, then you should definitely contact the best gastroenterology doctors and go for a checkup.
2.Stomach ache
Another common symptom for any GI disorder, stomach ache should not ever be taken lightly. Depending on which part of the abdomen the pain is most intense, you might be looking at gall stones, kidney stones, stomach infections, or even food poisoning. While all of the above conditions are very common, it does not do any good to your body.
In fact, if stomach pain goes unnoticed, the condition may aggravate and even become fatal in your case. Whenever you feel an intense pain in your stomach, do not hesitate to rush into the emergency room, because it might even be an organ failure!
3. Nausea and Vomiting
Nausea and vomiting attacks are common in people suffering from GI diseases of multiple kinds – from gall stones to indigestion and food poisoning. However, nausea and vomiting can happen even if there is no serious infection, but if it continues for several hours or days, then it is best to get checked by a doctor.
4.Lower back pain or joint pain
Lower back pain and joint pain can be linked to several problems, some of which are orthopedic. However, you might also suffer from it if you have kidney problems or excessive uric acid in your blood that is not being eliminated. If this is happening for a prolonged time and none of the other ways are helping out, then get in touch with a top gastroenterologist immediately.