The Important Tips To Follow If You Are Preparing For a Colonoscopy Soon | May 26th, 2018

Whether you go through complicated digestive issues or not, if you have crossed 50, your doctors would suggest you get a colonoscopy done. This happens to be the most common and biggest test to screen for and prevent colorectal cancer and can be recommended depending on age or health factors. This procedure is a little different than other medical tests, as the patient has to be under the effect of sedative or anesthesia while going through the brief 20- to 30-minute process.

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To ensure that you get the most of this test, and your results are accurate, there are certain preparations to go through.  Though a bit inconvenient and disturbing, this prep assures that you will have a thorough and successful colonoscopy.  From maintaining a diet to other hacks, here are some prep tips for that you must follow before getting this test done, recommended by the colonoscopy doctor NC.

What is a colonoscopy prep?

For a better colonoscopy, you must go through some prep or preparations. You have to empty your bowels so the doctor can clearly see the inside of the colon. During this time, you are asked to take a special laxative and drink a large volume of water.  This prep helps to find the tumors and hard-to-see colon polyps.

Read the prep instruction and follow them correctly

To make sure that you are preparing well for the colonoscopy, the doctor usually would hand over an instruction. The specialist will ask you to buy the laxative medication/solution as well as other supplies like soft toilet paper and wipes, cream or ointment for anal skin irritation and much more so that you don’t feel too much discomfort during or after the test.

You must cut down on fiber

According to the doctors, it becomes difficult for them to spot the colon polyps if you undertake too much fiber just before the test. Thus, patients are asked to cut down on fiber-rich food items like beans, nuts, whole grains and raw fruits and vegetables so that they don’t leave any residues in the colon. Even if you do, ensure having smaller intakes to reduce the overall amount.

Clear fluids only before the test day

From lemonade ice blocks to apple juice, soda water, and mineral water too, you can only have clear fluids only a day before the colonoscopy test. This keeps your stomach light and makes it easier for the doctor to examine the issues well.

Always find the right colonoscopy prep

The colonoscopy prep usually comes in different forms, flavors, and liquid volumes, and your doctor would assist you in finding the right one.  You might be recommended to have higher or lower volume prep according to your health.

colonoscopy doctor NC

Have some baby wipes or vaseline

The normal wipes might make your bum to burn or sting, and hence it is better to invest in some baby wipes and vaseline which would offer softness and comfort.

Think of a comfortable way to drink the prep solution

You can drink the prep in a way that makes it easier, be it cold, flavored or with a straw.  Otherwise, you might feel nauseated to gulp down so much liquid and end up feeling bloated.

On the day, wear loose fitted clothes

On the test day, you must wear very baggy and loose- fitted clothes, soften after colonoscopy test, patients feel bloated.  Hence, to get post examination comfort, go for ill-fitted clothes.

If you have more confusion regarding colonoscopy prep or test tips, get in touch with a good Durham colonoscopy doctor.