How Super Athletes Tackle Their High Calorie Diet and Still Stay Healthy and Fit! | May 17th, 2018

Everyone has heard about Michael Phelps is on a 10000 calorie diet and we have thought to ourselves, how in God’s name can someone tackle the food that is enough to feed 5 healthy adults in a day. Not just the famous Olympian, but even tennis stars like Andy Murray or sprint athletes like Usain Bolt have started to follow this norm and to be honest, most people can’t imagine how it is all working out well for them.

This blog gives you an overall idea, just so that you don’t plague your gastroenterology doctors in Durham with all the curiosity in you!

1. The G-Flux Method

The thing about energy flux or g-flux is that it puts the body in better shape to add on muscle mass and also keep the endurance and conditioning of the body intact. This is what lets super athletes keep their shape intact and yet only get better at what they do, becoming better performers over time.

2. The High Intensity Of Their Work Outs

Athletes have a lot of high-intensity training to keep their endurance in the best possible performance level and reach the peak of human conditioning. This is the kind of training that allows them to develop bursts of power that will dwarf anything a normal human muscle can generate. However, these high-intensity workouts come at a price they burn a lot of calories and thanks to the high intake of food, they have enough to spare.

3. Clean Calories

These super athletes might be consuming enough to feed 2 – 5 adults, but they do not put junk in their body. Junk calories lower endurance and make people feel lethargic in fact, they also slow down the metabolic process because the body takes longer to process the food and cannot accept it naturally. Also, athletes, always manage their macros, have high-protein and carbs to supplement their energy requirement, along with plenty of fiber to ensure healthy bowel movements.

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4.  Nutrition Plan Developed To Improve Energy Compartmentalization

Athletes always follow specific nutrition plans that are formulated by top health experts and these diets make sure that the ton of work that they do throughout the day along with the massive amounts of food that they eat, lead to better energy compartmentalization and it is not added as fat but rather used up as energy or to build muscles. This is what gives athletes the edge over bodybuilders who have to go to diet extremes like carb-cutting and salt prohibition in order to get to peak conditioning and be at the top of their game.

You too could follow such a diet method if not to that extremity and get similar results in term of fitness; but, you do need to follow their training pattern as well. Before you start, consult one of the reputed North Carolina gastroenterology doctors to make sure that your gut health is absolutely fine. If not, then shifting to a high level of calories could further aggravate problems you did not know you had in the first place.